mierEdu DIY Paper Collage Sets

Brand: Happy Distribution


Minimum Order: 3 Units

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Product Descriptions: 

This paper collage art project on the animal theme allows kids to make their own masterpieces with creativity and imagination.

5 double sided cards featuring 10 animals: bear, crocodile, flamingo, giraffe, gorilla, rhinoceros, hippo, ostrich, lion and zebra. Simply tear 8 skin and feather themed paper sheet into pieces and remix them on to a white card. A new and vivid animal is then created.



  • Package: Size: 23.6 cm x 28.3 cm x 3.3 cm
  • Includes: 8 Sheets | 1 Solid Glue | 10 Animals
  • Age: 3+
  • Minimum Order: Units


RRP: $13.95

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